Video Project’s Achievement “Promote the use of solar energy, practices integrated farming and building some CBET infrastructure for IPs community of Phnom Namlear CPA”


Phnom Namlear is Natures & Wildlife Preserves where is located in Bunong area based Pichinda District Border of Daklak Provinece (Vient Nam) Phnom Nam Lear Sanctuary, Mondulkiri is known for the beautiful scenic beauty and idyllic surroundings.

Landscape of Phnom Namlear Sanctuary [Photo by CIPO]
The sanctuary is one of the main wild life reserves in the province. The idyllic environment and the wide variety of flora and fauna make Phnom Nam Lear Sanctuary, Mondulkiri very popular to both local people and foreign tourists.[1]

Community built stairs for visitors when they come to Phnom Namlear [Photo by CIPO]
Phnom Namlear is 45 kilometers from Senmonorom town. The area is controlled by the Bunong community; therefore, there was no solar energy, lack of clean water, and no electricity system for community. Even the community did not have restrooms or toilets for visitors when they came to visit Phnom Namlear.

Community member in front of their toilet [Photo by CIPO, 2023]
Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization and partners supported a project since the Bunong community uses traditional ways and has limited resources to manage this protected area “Promote the use of solar energy, practices integrated farming and building some CBET infrastructure for IPs community of Phnom Namlear CPA,” which is provided solar energy, clean water, and a few buildings for community and also provide capacity on financial management and promoted them to have good structure for this community. This project is financial supported by United Nations Development Program-UNDP.

To learn more about this project, here’s a video of project’s achievement:

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