Board of Director

Ms. Prak Chanthy is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization. She has received a Bachelor Degree of Rural Economic Development. She used to work at Khmer Women Community, and UNDP from 1997-2013. She was a Project Coordinator of Forestry Community (CFF), project staff at Wildlife Conservation Society-WCS, Economic Development Officer, board for G12, ILO, WCS, UN, and UNOHCHR between 2014-2017.

Ms.Chom Kirivath is a member of the Board for Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization. She was founder of ADHOC in Ratanakiri province in 1992-1995. From 1996-1997, she was an Assistant of Urgency for OXFARM and 1997-2001, she was a women project staff at NTFP-EP.

Ou Virak is a member of the Board for Cambodia Indigenous Peoples. He completed his Master Degree in Economics in the United States. He currently is Founder/President of Future Forum in Phnom Penh. And he was Executive Director of Cambodia Center for Human Rights-CCHR from 2004-2014.
OU Virak is one of Cambodia’s most prominent and principled political analysts and human rights activists, with proven expertise in strengthening grassroots movements, conducting political economy analyses, spearheading organizational development and directing risk assessments.

Dam Somnang was born in 1985 in Khbal Romeas commune, Sesan district, Stung Treng province. He is a Bunong Indigenous who currently is a Board Member of Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization. Somnag was an Activist of ADHOC from 2002-2007. He is a former member of Cambodia Indigenous Youth Association in Stung Treng in 2010. From 2015-2017, he was a Technical Director of Right Defender.

Um Bunthorn was born on 14 February 1980, he belongs to kui Indigenous in Chhuk commune, Balang district, Kompongthom province. Bunthorn currently works as a member of the Board for Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization and Teacher for Monks (Short-contract). From 1994-present, he was a member of IRAM, layman, and teacher for monks.
Detail information
Both of them are Khmer nationality
Kui (Kampong Thom) and Bunong (Stung Treng)
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