What significant information does Executive Director of CIPO require H.E. Koeut Rith, Minister of the Ministry of Justice to pay attention??

Consultation workshop on “The establishment, organization, and functioning of the National Authority for Alternative Dispute Resolution,” which was attended by H.E. Koeut Rith, the Deputy Prime Ministry of Ministry of Justice [2023]
On 14 September 2023, Executive Director’s Yun Mane has attended the draft Royal Decree on “The establishment, organization, and functioning of the National Authority for Alternative Dispute Resolution,” which is being discussed today, will become an important legal instrument and guidance for compiling and making other legal instruments for the development and implementation of #ADR with effectiveness, equality, and inclusiveness.
Ms. Yun Mane, CIPO’s Executive Director was requesting five points on indigenous customary rules and non-judicial dispute resolution procedures to H.E. Koeut Rith, the Minister of Ministry of Justice. [2023]
Ms. Yun Mane requested to H.E. Koeut Rith, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of Justice, in the consultation workshop to include five points on indigenous customary laws and non-judicial dispute resolution processes in the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system, including:
1. Revise indigenous customary rules studied by the Ministry of Justice and Interior in 2010.
2. Incorporate indigenous peoples who have knowledge of customary rules or informal dispute resolution into the team.
3. Strengthen existing mechanisms or groups in indigenous communities to address local issues through customary rules or procedures, especially language issues, to be effective.
4. Disseminate Indigenous Customary Rules that have been learned to stakeholders. Resolve Disputes with Law Students, Judges, Prosecutors, Clerks, and Other Stakeholders
5. Incorporate indigenous customary rules into the study’s curriculum at other universities.
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